Swapping Elements in Embrillance Software
This week's new "Class of" Add-On embroidery design is perfect for customizing the popular square or rectangle "Senior" Bag Tag for any class of current or future graduates! Embrilliance Essentials embroidery software owners, this blog will walk you through a few quick steps to swap out the word "Senior" with the new "Class of" design!

Supplies Needed

Begin by loading both the "Senior" Bag tag design and the "Class of" design in Embrilliance Essentials.
Open the "Senior" bag tag design. Click the center of the design. This will open all design steps in the "Objects" panel on the right side of your screen. Select Step 6, the word "Senior".

The word "Senior" will now be selected.
On your keyboard, press the "Delete" button. Alternatively, on the top left of your screen, you can select "Edit" and then "Delete".

Open the "Class of" Add-On design. Click the design to select it.
On the top left of your screen, select "Edit" and then "Copy".

Open the Senior bag tag design. On the top left of your screen, select "Edit" and then "Paste".
The "Class of" design will now load on top of the bag tag design.

Click on the "Class Of" text and drag it down to the center of the design, or where you would like it to be placed.
Note: "Class of" will automatically get saved as the last step (Step 7) to run in the new design. I prefer to keep it this way and just skip to it on my embroidery machine before putting the back of the bag tag on. I then skip back on my machine to run the final step of the original bag tag design.
Save your design by clicking "File" and then "Save As (Stitch and working)". Save the new file to your desired destination. Load your file on your embroidery machine and have fun stitching!