Adding Pockets to an ITH Zipper Bag -- HACK THE BAG!
October 14, 2019
Continuing our series of hacks, today I'm going to show you how to add pockets to POP zipper bags. You can add pockets to the...
Anna Pritchett
FAQ Series: Bean Stitch vs. Satin Stitch
August 20, 2019
Two of POP's most popular designs, the original Clutch and Clutch 2.0 bags, come with a Bean Stitch applique option as well as...
FAQ Series: What is a Stitch Map?
August 19, 2019
If you've been in embroidery a while, you may remember life before fancy PDF tutorials. Back in the olden days, we had to rely...
Football Stadium Banner, Kitty Top Zip Pencil Bag, Donut Bow and Bow Monogram Snaptab Supplies List
August 17, 2019
New designs this week: Football Stadium Banner Set Kitty Top Zip Pencil Bag and Charm Bundle Donut Bow Snaptab Bow Monogram Snaptab Set Supplies Used:...
Jenny Chesnick
The Daybreak Zipper Bag Video and Supply List - In the Hoop Zipper Bag
June 1, 2019
Thanks for joining me today as we ran the Daybreak Zipper bag live. If you are not a member of our Facebook group you can...